We just wanted to thank you all for your hard work and support last term. We’re pleased to announce we’ve raised around £7,000 since September 2019 which is incredible. The bigger fundraisers included:-
Second Hand Uniform Sale – £148.84
Pumpkin Display – £137.20
Year 2 Cake Bake – £161.17
Tote Bags – £850.91
Christmas Fair and Raffle – £5,030.64
Wreath Making Workshop – £139.01
A huge thank you to everyone who came along and supported this year’s Christmas Fair. Our amazing parent community really pulled out all the stops to make the day a huge success. The atmosphere was truly magical, and I think everyone had a fantastic afternoon.
We’re thrilled to announced that the fair, plus the raffle and flash sale, raised over £5000 for the school. Incredible!

What an amazing turnout we have for the pumpkin parade. All your donations plus the gift aid we can claim raises an amazing £180.75 for the school. Well done to the winners and thank you to everyone who got involved.
Well done Year 2 – your cake bake raised a fantastic £165.81. Thank you to everyone who made cakes, bought cakes, helped to sell, and helped to eat. All the support is very much appreciated!

Monies raised so far Oct 2019 – Jan 2020
Thank you for your generosity. We have now RAISED a fantastic…