School Starts
Playtime (20 min)
Lunchtime (65 min)
School Ends
The total school week amounts to 31 hours and 15 minutes including morning and lunchtime breaks
The school day looks like this on most days
Session One – Start of day – 10.20am (classroom doors will open at 8.45am and remain open until 8.55am)
Morning Break – 10:20am – 10:40am (for Year 1 & 2 only*)
Session Two – 10:40am – 12:00noon
Lunch – 12:00noon – 1:05pm
Session Three – 1:05pm – End of day 3.00pm
*In EYFS children do not have a playtime, because they have independent learning most of the morning and can access the outside learning area during this time.
EYFS children have a slightly different lunchtime as well. They go into the hall to eat at 11.40am and their lunchtime finishes at 1:00pm.
The gates are opened at approx. 8.40am every day.
Parents can enter the school through entrance gates at the back and front of the school. Children are dropped by their parents/carers at the classroom door. For Year 2 children parents/carers drop at one of two doors – at the back and at the side of the school.
If you need to drop your child earlier, they must attend the Koosa Breakfast Club – see below for details.
Wrap around care – Koosa Breakfast Club and After School Club
This is wrap-around care run by an outside agency – Koosa Kids. Breakfast Club runs from 07:50am to when your child’s class starts session 1.
More information about Koosa Kids can be found here.
During the School Day
If you are picking up or dropping your child off during the school day or coming into school for a meeting or to help in class, please be aware that the Car Park is for Staff only.
Lunchtime starts at 11:45am for Year R and at 12:00noon for KS1 (Year 1 and 2).
Menus are varied and nutritiously balanced with a wide choice of food. All menus are on a three-week rotation. They are available to view at Reception, and the current week’s menu is displayed at the entrance to the Dining Hall. The menu can be view by parents on this page.
For Year R lunchtime finishes at 1pm. For KS1 (Year 1 and 2) lunchtime finishes at 1.05pm.
In the afternoon
School finishes at 3:00pm, the gates are opened at approx. 2:50pm. If collecting by car, you can park on Queens Road where space allows – do not park on zigzags.
Parking is also available at the back of the school in the car park on the Village Green known as the Cricket Green Car Park. It is a public car park, NOT a school car park.
Please be considerate towards other car park users. There are also car parking spaces on the residential roads at the back of the school. Please be considerate to our neighbours and do not block driveways etc.
Collection arrangements
If your collection arrangements change, please try and ensure your child knows what these are before they come to school. If things change at the last moment, or you think you may be late, please call the school before 2:45pm if possible, to allow us time to get a message to your child’s class teacher.
Wrap around care – After School Club
This is wrap-around care run by an outside agency – Koosa Kids. After School Club runs from the end of your child’s school day until 6pm. A member of staff will take your child from the classroom to the main hall where they are registered with Koosa.
More information about Koosa Kids can be found here.
Extra-Curricular activities
We offer a number of different indoor and outdoor extra-curricular clubs, run by outside agencies as well as by school staff.
More information about clubs can be found here.
It is vital that pupils’ school attendance is maximised, including arriving promptly in their classroom for their staggered start.
Absence should be reported before 9:30am by calling school on 01932 851848 (option 1) or by emailing secretary@manby-lodge.surrey.sch.uk.
More information about what to do if your child is absent can be found here.