Meet Our Children

Manby Lodge is a two-form entry school. Due to a recent higher demand for school places in the Weybridge area, we admitted an additional class of Reception pupils for the academic years 2013/14 and 2015/16.
We currently have eight classes; three Reception classes, three Year 1 classes and two Year 2 classes. Our maximum number of children per class is 30 and we currently have approximately 230 pupils on roll.

Child Protection

We have a Child Protection Policy in order to safeguard all of our Manby Lodge children. The Head Teacher is our Child Protection Liaison Officer and the Deputy Head is the Deputy Child Protection Liaison Officer.

Pupils with Disabilities

As a school we liaise with our Local Authority and appropriate agencies when a pupil with a disability (whether or not a Statement is in place) is offered a place at Manby Lodge – this is to ensure that an appropriate induction programme is drawn up to meet the child’s specific needs. We aim to provide equal opportunities for children with disabilities, so that they may access the curriculum and join in every day activities with other children. The school’s accessibility plan ensures the ongoing development of increasing access to the school for pupils with disabilities.