Our school uniform is worn throughout the school. Branded school sweatshirts and sweat cardigans, polo shirts, coats, PE shorts, PE T-Shirts, royal blue jog pants and PE bags are available from My Clothing online at myclothing.com and http://www.unismart.co.uk/schools/ Grey trousers, tunic, skirt and light blue summer dresses form part of the uniform and can be easily obtained from any chain store.
The Friends of Manby Lodge hold good quality used school uniform sales throughout the year, so look out for notices. If you require any specific items sooner, please email them on their dedicated preloved uniform email: foml.preloveduniform@gmail.com and they will happily check the stock for you.

Black formal school shoes must be worn. No open toe sandals are allowed.

PE Kit and Forest School
All children need PE kit: blue shorts, white T-shirt and black plimsolls or non-marking trainers all in a named P.E. bag.
All children need suitable clothing for Forest School; long sleeved T-shirt with royal blue jogging bottoms or royal blue or black leggings. Waterproofs jacket, trousers and wellington boots are required on rainy/wet days.

Hair accessories must be in our school colours of white, black, grey, blue or navy. Rainbow colours are also allowed.

All clothes must be clearly labelled.

Watches & Jewellery
No jewellery, except earrings should be worn in school, unless the jewellery is for religious reasons. We really discourage parents from sending children to school with earrings, particularly in Year R and Year 1 where children’s learning is more active. If your child does have pierced ears, the studs must be plain metal (gold or silver).
When children do PE they should not wear earrings on that day, but may cover them with plasters if it is not possible to remove the studs. If you wish your child to have pierced ears, please arrange this at the beginning of the Summer break.
Watches can be worn, but not any kind of watch that connects to the internet or can take photos. We encourage you to choose an analogue watch (with hands) as this will help them to learn how to tell the time.