At our school, we have the very highest expectations of, and aspirations for, all our children. Our Governing Body share our belief that every pupil should have equal opportunities to achieve the best possible life chances, and where no child gets left behind. We share the drive to ensure that every pupil is given every opportunity to fulfil their potential.
Manby Lodge Vision and Mission
Vision: All children succeed beyond expectations.
Mission: At Manby Lodge we are committed to offering a safe environment where learning opportunities are inspiring, exciting, challenging and supportive. We are committed to nurturing individual talents and abilities to ensure that each day children are successful.
We make every effort to ensure that disadvantaged children receive outstanding support and believe that our core purpose is to ensure that all our children make outstanding progress as a result of outstanding teaching. The Department for Education (DfE) provides additional Pupil Premium Funding to all schools based on the number of children eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) now or over the previous 6 years, and the number of children who are looked‐after (CLA) or have been looked-after by local authority care.
The purpose of the funding is to ensure that these children are not disadvantaged in any way in school due to financial constraints. Pupil Premium funding enables a range of intervention, support and enrichment activities to be funded.
We assess the impact of our provision regularly, both at pupil progress meetings with teaching staff and with governors on the Children and Learning Committee. Each child’s progress is monitored to ensure that the outcomes we wish for that individual are being advanced.
At Manby Lodge we are aware that some of our most vulnerable and disadvantaged families are not entitled to Pupil Premium Funding while other children who receive the Premium are high achievers who exude confidence in all areas of school life. We are therefore careful to look at each child’s needs individually and assess what additional provision could enable them to develop further as an individual.
Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit. However, we will be held accountable for how we have used the additional funding to support pupils identified.
Our Link Governor for Inclusion (including Pupil Premium) is Wendy Luiz.

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-2027 Jan 2025
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022-2024 Jan 2024
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022-2024 Jan 2023
Pupil Premium Strategy Impact Statement 2021-2022
Covid Catch Up and Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021-2023
Pupil Premium and Covid Funding Spending Impact 2020-21
Covid-19 Catch-Up Premium Statement 2021
Pupil Premium Planned Spending 2020-21
Pupil Premium Spending Impact 2019-20