Key Stage One (Year 1 and Year 2)

Learning in Year 1 and Year 2 builds on the solid foundations the children developed whilst in EYFS. Our aim is for pupils to become happy, independent, kind and confident learners and we support them to do so in a range of ways.

Key Stage 1 is made up of two year groups – Year 1 and Year 2. In Year 1 when children start in the Autumn Term, we continue with provision based learning As the year progresses, children spend more time following adult directed tasks. Moving into Year 2, teaching becomes more formal and structured.

Our curriculum is designed to be broad and offer children a range of learning experiences. Knowledge and skills are designed to be progressive, building from year to year and lesson to lesson. Teachers in each year group plan as a team, and work closely with a member of the Senior Leadership Team to ensure the learning opportunities we provide are the best they can be.

Curriculum Overview

Our staff have a range of experience and expertise in school and much of our planning is created by our teachers who work together to plan. We have also bought into curriculum schemes of work, for specific subjects to enhance the resources and plans we already use. Details for each subject can be found below.

Subject Scheme/ Provider
English Phonics – The Scheme we follow is Essential Letters and Sounds – Oxford University Press. For more information about Phonics at Manby Lodge click here.

Click here for the ELS Progression Map and for help with demonstrating the correct pronunciation please see the below videos from ELS

All of the ELS phonic sounds

Phase 2 pronunciation

Phase 3 pronunciation

Phase 5 pronunciation


At Manby Lodge Reading underpins all areas of our curriculum. We want children to want to read and develop a love of reading so we feel it is important that the books offered are at an appropriate level for their understanding, success and interests.

We encourage reading as part of home life, not just school and encourage parents and carers to enjoy a range of reading material together and not just the books we send home.

For more information click here.


At Manby Lodge, we encourage children to see themselves as writers throughout their school journey. We promote independence in their writing and encourage children to feel confident to try to write the ideas they wish to convey. We use high-quality and inspirational texts combined with purposeful activities to encourage children to want to write.

For full details of our approach to teaching reading & writing, including which books and genres we look at each term, click here.

In each year group we have a selection of texts (books) called Our Favourite Five for each half term / term. These are a selection of core, high quality texts which have been carefully chosen for specific reasons related to knowledge and skills the children will need to learn. These texts are shared regularly with the children with the aim of supporting them to internalise examples of texts structure, develop and support their vocabulary progression and provide children with a variety of stories to support their overall writing progression. Each term / half term the Favourite Five texts are displayed for children to self-access and refer back to.

English Long Term Planner

Mathematics We know how important it is that children acquire basic number skills. Maths lessons take place in each class on a daily basis and we are in the process of introducing even more maths into our curriculum through a cross curricular approach.

We follow White Rose Maths as a scheme. We also use a range of other resources to enhance teaching of maths e.g. NCTEM

For the Maths Long Term Plan click here.

We follow the principle that maths should be taught through using concrete apparatus, and then pictorial representation before children are able to move onto abstract concepts.

Please see our Calculation Progression Guide for more details.

Our Numeracy Glossary explains vocabulary and methods we use, in further detail.

Science We adhere to the National Curriculum.

Where possible we link the science curriculum to topic learning e.g. In Year 1 in the Autumn Term linked with All About Me, children read Funny Bones English and they learn about the human body.

In Year 2 children learn about floating and sinking when they study the Titanic in history.

For the Science Long Term Plan click here.

For Science Skills and Knowledge progression and coverage grids click on the links below.

PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, Economic Education) We follow the Jigsaw PSHE Scheme in all Year Groups.

For the PSHE Long Term Plan click here.

This year we have introduced Zones of Regulation through a series of 16 lessons in all year groups during Autumn Term 1.

For more information about Zones of Regulation please click here.

Computing We follow the scheme Purple Mash. We have a cross curricular approach to computing so that it is embedded across all that we do. There is clear progression from Reception to Year 2.

Although Online Safety is only one unit, we make sure that we teach online safety throughout the course of the year.

For the Computing Long Term Plan, click here.

Physical Education Children in Year 1 & Year 2 have two PE Sessions each week. For one session teachers follow the Real PE Scheme for Physical Education.

During the other session PE coaches work with the class teacher to deliver focused, progressive skills.

Twice during the school year each year group will also have a series of 5 Forest Schools lessons.

When children have Forest School, this is in place of PE Lessons. More information about Forest School is available here.

Throughout the year children also experience workshops such as Yoga for children, dance and other sports.

For the PE Long Term Plan click here.

More information about PE including our extra-curricular clubs can be found here.

Geography We follow the National Curriculum, wherever possible linking learning across the different subjects. We are careful to ensure that the teaching of geography is relatable to young children. In Reception children learn about their local area and in Year 1 children identify natural and man-made landmarks in their local area. We make the most of opportunities when it comes to where our children come from to teach about other places in the UK, in Europe and the rest of the world. We celebrate the different cultures that are represented by children in our school.

For the Geography Long Term Plan click here.

History We follow the National Curriculum, wherever possible linking learning across the different subjects. For example in Year 1 when children learn about The Great Fire of London and they also study landscapes and city-scapes in Art, culminating in them creating a silhouette of London burning in 1666.

For the History Long Term Plan click here.

Religious Education and World Views We follow Surrey SACRE and the Surrey Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.

For our RE Long Term Plan click here

Parents and carers can choose to withdraw their children from Religious Education lessons, however we ensure that the RE syllabus is relevant to all children and respects their own personal beliefs.

Music Music and performance is part of school life at Manby Lodge.
We follow the National Curriculum and use Charanga to support the teaching of Music.For the Music Long Term Plan click here

Follow this link for our 2024-25 Music Development Plan Summary

Art and Design We follow the National Curriculum for Art.

For the Art Long Term Plan click here.

Design and Technology We follow the National Curriculum for DT (Design Technology)

For the DT Long Term Plan click here.

See our year group curriculum maps for more details of coverage in each subject area each half term.

Our Learning Behaviours and Values are threaded throughout our day to day practice.  These are emphasised and celebrated each week during KS1/whole school assemblies. Within each class, the Learning Behaviours are displayed and children who show these are identified and praised.

-Resilience                                             -Responsibility

-Reasoning                                             -Resourcefulness

-Reflectiveness                                       -Playing and Exploring


We use a range of methods to assess children to move their learning on.  We constantly observe children, give them plenty of opportunities to show what they understand and know, use partner and group work, work with children individually, and use low stakes quizzes/tests such as spelling tests.  In Year 1 children will be given the statutory phonics screening test, and in Year 2 children will be given a teacher assessment judgement following their SATS (Statutory Assessment Tests).