Vision and Values

Ethos: Be the best we can
Vision: All children succeed beyond expectations.
Mission: At Manby Lodge we are committed to offering a safe environment where learning opportunities are inspiring, exciting, challenging and supportive. We are committed to nurturing individual talents and abilities to ensure that each day children are successful.
Learn more. Do more. Be more. Be the best we can.

Our Values

Values are principles that guide our behaviour. The four values at Manby Lodge that underpin all that we do are:

Kindness, Happiness, Confidence & Independence

These values have been chosen by staff and Governors as those they felt to be the most important characteristics for children to embody when they leave us at the end of Year 2.

Learning Behaviours

At Manby Lodge we also place great importance on six specific Learning Behaviours which we know support children to be the best learners that they can, now and for the rest of their lives.

The six Learning Behaviours are:

-Resilience                         -Responsibility

-Reasoning                        -Resourcefulness              

-Reflectiveness                  -Playing & Exploring

The Learning Behaviours are introduced to children when they are in their first year of school in Reception. We teach children what each one means and encourage children to be able to identify when they are using the Learning Behaviours to support what they are doing when they are learning.

For example children are resourceful because they know what they need to help them in their learning and where to find them (e.g. pencils, rulers, word book for spellings.) Click on this link for more examples.

These values and Learning Behaviours enable children to develop positive social and communication skills. These skills are applied to the relationships and friendships they form with their peers and adults in school which in turn creates a positive school ethos where the climate is calm and conducive to learning.

Our pupils take on moral responsibilities; they care for each other, demonstrate good manners, show consideration and become trustworthy young people who respect each other.

The experiences offered every day at Manby Lodge provide a good foundation to develop children’s academic and creative abilities as their efforts are valued and learning has a sense of purpose. Children are given the tools to equip them for the future both at school and as young adults.





Here’s what our children think:

“We are nice to people. We hope people are kind to us.”


“If you look at all the values they will teach you what to be like. They remind us how to act.”


“We learn to be thoughtful”


“All the values tell us what we should be like when we are older”
