At Manby Lodge we are committed to looking after our world and we believe that all children should learn about how to live in a sustainable way.
Reception children work on half termly ‘sustainability actions’ which help them to learn that we must actively do something in order to take care of our world.
Year 1 and 2 children attended an assembly in the autumn term which shared with them ways in which we can all look after the environment and explained that each class should nominate 2 members to represent them on the ‘Green School Council’.
Our school council this year are focusing on looking after the environment and learning about sustainability. We will be working towards achieving a Green Flag for Manby Lodge through the Eco Schools Programme to show our dedication.
Recently The Green School Council have been working hard to encourage others not to litter. They gave a brief ‘speech’ to the rest of their classes. They were also involved, along with lots of other children in our school, and their families in a Community Litter Pick. Click here for more photos.
Finally, The Green School Council have made a video to encourage you at home to recycle ‘soft plastics’.
Did you know you could do this? If not, watch this video to find out how!
Green Flag Application update
The Green School Council have completed an environmental review which shows that we need to work on the following areas: Biodiversity, Litter and Marine Life.
We scored most highly in the following areas: Energy and Healthy Living.
This is mostly due to the wonderful actions we have already taken at Manby such as having solar panels installed to generate our own energy, having motion sensor lights to ensure they are not left on when not in use, double glazing and windows that maximise natural light to save energy. We earned points for healthy living by ensuring our children learn how to grow fruit, vegetables and herbs, having regular meat-free meals at lunchtime, a sensory garden where people can go to feel calm and relaxed, opportunities to practice yoga and mindfulness and the use of Zones of Regulation which helps our children to learn strategies to keep a healthy mind.
The Manby Lodge Green School Council
Year 1
Year 1
Year 1
Year 1
Year 1
Year 2
Year 2
Year 2
Year 2
Year 2
Year 2