This page was designed to aid transition into school. On the right hand side, towards the bottom of the page you will find links to other useful pages on our website.
Dear Parents and Carers
We are delighted that you have accepted a place for your child at Manby Lodge.
Over the next few weeks and months, we will share important information about starting school directly to you by post or email, and here on our website. If you have any questions about starting school, I have listed the key people to contact at the end of this message.
At Manby the welfare of your child is paramount and we will begin to get to know you and your child in the coming months so that your child is as ready as they can be when they join us in the autumn term.
We have created this page on our website so that the sections most relevant to you can be accessed easily. If you use social media then please follow our PTA run FOML Facebook page to keep up to date with other school activities.
Who to contact if you need help or advice:
For questions about the admissions process, appeals, information gathering or general enquiries please contact the School Office: 01932 851848 or email:
If you think that your child might need additional support in school; if they have any additional needs or disabilities that were being supported at nursery, or for any question related to inclusion, please contact our SENCO, Mrs Saffer using this email:
If you have any questions relating to your child starting Reception in the autumn term, for example if you want to enquire about your child attending part-time, you can contact our EYFS Lead, via the school office. Please mark the email FAO Mrs Trodd and use the following email address:
We look forward to meeting you and your child.
Miriam Morris

Useful Links
- Vision and Values
- Curriculum Intent
- EYFS curriculum
- Newsfeed
- Meet our staff
- Uniform
- SEND information
- Gallery
- The school day
- Before and After School Provision – Koosa
Other useful Links (these are some lovely videos about starting school)