2015-2016 School Year

Summer 16 Term Summary

By May 27, 2016 No Comments

Dear Parents and Carers,

Can you believe that here we are half way through the final term of the year. Where has the time gone?

This half term we have had a Grandparents’ Tea Party, a visit to the farm with our Reception children and a trip to Wisley with Year 1. Mrs Mullarkey and I have even managed a visit to the hairdressers in Cygnet Class!

A huge thank you to the Friends of Manby Lodge, especially to the Spring Dance Committee for organising this event. The feedback was that it was a lovely evening and we would like to say a big thank you to everyone who participated to help raise funds for the school. Funds raised by FoML will enable us to purchase some fantastic canopies for our new building.

We welcome Mrs Clark to the Manby Lodge family who will be working in the school office for four days a week. We sadly say goodbye to Mrs Atkins who has been our Finance Assistant. She has been absolutely amazing and we will miss her, however we do wish her lots of luck in her new job and hope that she will visit us soon.

All of the staff and children have worked extremely hard and we look forward to another half term of exciting learning.

Have a lovely half term break.

Kindest regards,

Mrs Creasey