2016-2017 School Year

Whole School Newsletter – End of Summer Term 2017

By July 21, 2017 No Comments
Dear Parents and Carers,

We have had another exciting year at Manby Lodge where the children have done more, learnt more, become more and been the best that they can be.  Trips to Ladyland farm, Nower Wood and Wisley, visits from Zoolab, African drummers, Bollywood dancers, Hobgoblin Theatre and  Flat Stan first aid training are just a few of the exciting activities that  have taken place this term.  You may also have noticed the new Reception play area  which the children are absolutely loving. There is never a dull moment at Manby Lodge!

Kindest regards
Mrs Creasey


Iwould like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support, we believe that a strong parent partnership is extremely important to the success of Manby Lodge.
The recent School Ball was a resounding success and will allow us to purchase resources for the children that we would otherwise be unable to afford. Our thanks goes to all involved but particularly to Mrs Bailey who led this event. A huge thanks also to the Co-Chairs of FoML Mrs Waddington and Mrs Currie, Vice-Chair Miss Lock and Treasurer Mrs Dury.

Goodbye & Good Luck

Sadly we say goodbye to Mr Davis, Mrs Hutton-Wilson and Mr Cook. We would like to thank them for the wonderful job that they have done teaching and supporting our children and wish them all every success in the future. We wish Mrs Gilchrist lots of luck as she begins her maternity leave and we look forward to meeting her new arrival.

We also say goodbye to our Year 2 children. We wish them all the best in their new schools. They have been a fantastic year group, great ambassadors for the school and their new schools really are very lucky to have them. We shall miss them.

All that remains is for me to wish you and your family a wonderful and well-earned summer break. The new school year starts on Wednesday 6th September and we look forward to welcoming our children back refreshed and ready to learn.

With very best wishes,
Mrs Creasey


It has been a busy and exciting final half term in Reception. We started the half term with a trip to Ladyland Farm where the children got to hold and feed lots of different animals and have a tractor ride across a bumpy field.

We had International Week where the children took part in workshops to learn African Drumming and Bollywood Dancing and each class learnt about a different country; India, Japan and Iceland.  We also spent time learning about countries that have a close connection to children in our classes.  We had a visit from Zoolab, where the children got to hold giant snails, lizards and snakes.

In the creative areas, the children have explored shade and learnt about sculpture where the children have had the opportunity to create their own 3D sculptures with pipe cleaners, beads and buttons. We have also learnt about Kandinsky and created our own art inspired by his work.

In our outside learning environment the children have helped to create plans and share their ideas for the exciting new area that has recently been completed.  We have built a moat in the digging area and enjoyed building dens and castles with the construction blocks.

In the investigation areas, we have been learning more about magnets, healthy eating and different materials. We have also enjoyed playing in our new grossification motorskills area with our new equipment.

Year One

We have had another fantastic term in Year 1! We have experienced fairy tale magic and found a beanstalk in the school hall which inspired us to write our own version of Jack and the Beanstalk.

This half term in Maths we have been learning about measuring and comparing weight, length, capacity and time.

In Science we have been learning all about living things and how they grow and why they are important to us. We planted our sunflower seeds and we look forward to seeing whose sunflower grows the tallest over the summer!

In Art we have learnt about Marianne North and Georgia O’Keefe and used their art work to create our own.

We have learnt about the 4 countries which make up the United Kingdom. We have learnt lots of facts about each country.

Year Two

Year 2 have had a very busy half term! Following on from our fabulous trip to Nower Wood the children have been learning about different habitats.

The children went “WILD” for the half term and kept a daily diary of wildlife activities that they did each day. They all planted sunflowers and took them home to watch them grow.

Lion and Tiger Class designed a “Bug Hotel” and brought in bottles, sticks, card, straw which they used to make a luxurious home for minibeasts!

Year 2 also took part in a “Flat Stan First Aid Course”. They learnt how to call for help, deal with burns and had great fun practising how to bandage arms, legs and heads!

The highlight of the term has been our leavers play “The Bee Musical “. The children have sung, made props, danced, choreographed and acted! They also learnt a lot about bees and especially enjoyed watching the bees’ waggle dance.