We held our first ever Film Night for children and their siblings from Year 2. Lots of lessons were learned but on the whole this was a massive success. The children enjoyed watching Captain Underpants with their friends whilst eating hotdogs and popcorn.
And as a result it raised £337.51 for the Year 2 class teachers
Year 2 Cake, Valentines Rose, and Wrist Band Sale
Our first cake sale of the year was a great success. Thank you Year 2 parents for your time, energies, efforts and kind cake donations.
Collectively with the additional sales of Valentine roses and Manby Lodge wrist bands it raised £269.21.
Collectively the sale and the film night raised £606. This equates to £202 to each Year 2 class. Next term the focus will be on the Year 1 classes! WOW!
Monies raised and spent so far this year
Thank you for your generosity. We have now RAISED a fantastic…
We have two committees forming for 2 big events this Summer:
Manby Fest – our very first music festival on 9th June
Annual Summer Ball – celebration for parents to mark the end of the school year
If you would like to be involved in the planning of these events, please let us know. We want to involve as many people as possible in making these events AMAZING!
Year 1 Movie Night
16th March
Manby Mile Sponsored Walk in support of Sports Relief
23rd March
Easter animals
28th March
Year 1 Cake and Egg Cup sale
29th March