The children watched Paddington 2. It was a little bonkers but a great fun evening. Thank you to everyone who helped to make this event a success, we managed to raise £433 profit from this event which was FANTASTIC!
To accompany this beautiful weather we have held a number of Freeze Pop Fridays at school pick ups. These have generated a whopping profit of £108.50.
This month we have managed to claim back from HMRC £1,145 for the sponsored Manby Mile and for last year’s sponsored dance too. This is brilliant news – it’s like FREE MONEY. Thank you!
All the advertisements are out for Manby Fest. Our first music festival with all the usual Summer Fair stalls and lots lots more! It’s going to be an AMAZING event. Please come along and support on 9th June 2:00 – 5:00.
Monies raised so far this year
Thank you for your generosity. We have now RAISED a fantastic…
25th May – Reception Cake Sale
9th June – Manby Fest Music Festival and Stalls
13th June – Father’s Day Shop
13th July – Summer Ball at Silvermere Inn on the Lake