
2022-2023 School Year

Manby Lodge Choir

By | 2022-2023 School Year | No Comments

For the first time, a Manby Lodge Choir performed at the Elmbridge Choir Festival at ACS Cobham International School.

We are so proud of our 25 children from Year 2 who joined the Combined Choir (made up of 6 Elmbridge schools) to sing a range of songs, and to perform on their own

Year 2 First Aid Training

By | 2022-2023 School Year | No Comments
On Tuesday the Year 2 enjoyed a very informative and action-packed First Aid Workshop. I was incredibly impressed with how attentive and respectful the children were. They listened beautifully to our visitor and followed the instructions sensibly and responsibly.  Well done Year 2

Animal Encounter for Reception Children

By | 2022-2023 School Year | No Comments

Today we had a surprise visit from some lovely animals to support our topic ‘All Creatures Great and Small’. The children were visited by a chinchilla, a bearded dragon, an African millipede, meerkats, python, blue tongued skink and a tortoise. The children were so brave when touching them and some children were even brave enough to hold the animals.  We learnt lots of wonderful facts about the animals too!