Well done Year 1, they did 2 amazing performances this week. They remembered their words and all their actions.

The children were amazing during our nativity shows this week! We were super impressed with how well they learnt the story, remembered the actions and the songs.

Thank you to everyone who came to the Manby Christmas Fair on a soggy Sunday. We really appreciate your time and support.

Two of the Year 1 classes have visited a local Care Home this week where they sung Christmas Carols and did colouring activities with residents.

Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their trip to St James Church on Wednesday. We explored the church and its features, admiring the details throughout such as the stained-glass windows and the Nativity dressing of the high altar. We had a discussion with Fr Damien and Tom from the church who told us all about the different ways that the Church gives to the community including food banks, community fridge, Lego club and cake and coffee afternoons. We then discussed ways that we have given in our lives. This directly links to our RE learning this term ‘Why is giving important to Christians’. Finally, a big thank you to all of the parent helpers who accompanied us on our trip- without you we would not have been able to make this happen for the children.

The children had a great time joining in with the Toys from the past workshop this week. They had the opportunity to play with some of the old toys and also had a discussion about how toys have evolved over time. They got to see a range of different Teddies from the past and had a go at putting them in order from the oldest to the newest.

As part of our celebrations topic, this week we have been learning about the festival of Diwali. We have started to make Diva lamps, learnt the story of Rama and Sita and created Rangoli patterns. We were very lucky to have Mr Railton share their family religion and teach the children how to make Rangoli patterns.

Thank you to the parents that joined Year 2 Shared Learning session this week.

Year 1 enjoyed solving lots of Maths problems in our shared learning session this week. Thank you to the parents that were able to come and join our learning.